Are you looking for ways to live more sustainably, reduce the carbon footprint of your home, or remodel your house with sustainable materials that will save you energy, time and money? The following resources are either available online or at your neighborhood Houston Public Library.
Program Director Steve Stelzer’s Top Twenty-five authors for 2023 (not in any particular order)
1. Drawdown (2017). Regeneration (2021). Edited by Paul Hawken
2. Plastic: A Toxic Love Story (2011). Susan Freinkel
3. The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible (2013). Climate: A New Story (2018) Charles Eisenstein
4. Cradle to Cradle (2002). The Upcycle (2013). William McDonough & Michael Braungart
5. The New Corporation (2020). Joel Bakan
6. Fantasyland (2017). Evil Geniuses (2020). Kurt Andersen
7. Animal, Vegetable, Junk (2022). Mark Bittman
8. The Soil Will Save Us (2014). Kristin Ohlson
9. The Righteous Mind (2012). Jonathan Haidt
10. The Tipping Point (2000). Malcolm Gladwell
11. Countdown (2014). Alan Weisman
12. Scarcity (2014). Mullainathan & Shafir
13. Saving Us (2022). Katherine Hayhoe
14. Over (2008). Alex MacLean
15. Strangers in Their Own Land (2016). Arlie Russell Hochschild
16. Prosperity without Growth (2011). Tim Jackson
17. 1491 (2005). 1493 (2012). Charles C. Mann
18. Bright Green Lies (2021). Jensen, Keith, Wilbert
19. Too Much Magic (2013). James Howard Kunstler
20. Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle (2021). Lloyd Alter
21. Numbers Don’t Lie (2021). Vaclav Smil
22. The Fifth Agreement (2011). Ruiz & Ruiz
23. The 9.9 Percent (2021) Matthew Stewart
24. The Attention Merchants (2016). Tim Wu
25. Superman’s Not Coming (2020). Erin Brockovich