
The City of Houston is not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web page referenced from this server. Also, please note that by clicking the links below, you are leaving the Green Building Resource Center website.  

Green Building Information Central

US Green Building Council (USGBC) Link Page: This site holds an incredible depth of Green building resources. Some links have been duplicated here, but you are invited to utilize this fantastic resource for Green building information.

General Information

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Browse the Sustainability topic category to see what green building strategies are available to engineers.

ASHRAE’s Green Tips: This is worth a good look for Green building strategies from the Engineering side. (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) A site for education about building in general, with a good section on building green. This is a wonderful site that offers a compendium of Green Buildings, Green interiors, Green products, Green technology, etc.

The Environmental Protection Agency Green Building Page: Very readable, Green building information. Look for hot/humid climate information.

Urban Planning Certification Guide: This website breaks down state required certifications and specialty certifications, listing niches that would benefit from the certification and how to qualify.

Green Teaching

Environmental Science Degrees Search: Information on various colleges and universities that offer Environmental Science degree programs.

GBRC Activities TEKS Related Curriculum Websites
Home Energy SCI 7.14C
Math 6.11 A
Math 6.11B
Rainwater Harvesting SCI 7.1
SCI 7.2A
Rainwater Harvesting
Solar Strategies SCi 6.8C
Math 6.11 A
Lowering Energy Costs SCI 7.14C
Math 6.8
Literature SCI 7.2A
SCI 7.14B
Whole Building Design

Building Case Studies: Great buildings with Green strategies to learn about.

Whole Building Design Guide: recommended by the National Institute of Building Sciences.

US DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: See their High Performance Buildings Database for case studies.


Green Builder Media: One of the best green building magazines out there with lots of real products and educational diagrams; and all the archives available online.

TX HB 362 relating to the regulation by a property owners ’ association of the installation of solar energy devices and certain roofing materials on property.

HOA Coalition for additional information.

GreenHomeGuide: US Green Building Council teamed with American Society of Interior Designers for a Renovation Guide to Green Homes.

Green-Energy-Efficient-Homes: Fairly deep website with some good links.

Green Building Advisor: a joint effort of Fine Home building and Building for a very in-depth source of Green building ideas and how-to’s.

How to Sustainably Remodel Your Home: Another informative site if you decide to green-up when you remodel your home.


Architecture Week: Online architecture magazine with Green topics of interest. has a good site for energy savings at the workplace.

Maryville University: The importance of Enviromental Awarness When Running a Business. 

Sustainable Sites

ReBuild Houston Guidelines for Adjustment of Calculated Imperivous Surface Based on Approved Stormwater Management Techniques

Houston Land & Water Sustainability Forum: Good source for local site information and activities.

EPA Sustainable Redevelopment of Brownfields: Bringing back damaged land areas is a very Green strategy.

City of Houston Brownfields Redevelopment Program: Local brownfield information.

Water Efficiency

EPA Water Sense: A great program, and a website with great depth.

American Water Works Association: More water efficiency resources.

TX Rainwater Development Board website: Plenty of water conservation information.

TX Rainwater Harvesting Manual: Texas is a leader in rainwater harvesting.

The Story of Bottled Water: An animated short film of demanding clean, safe water.

Water Conservation & The Possibilities: A host of links to other great sites to learn about The Water Cycle, The Danger, Water Conservation at Home, Water Conservation Start Ups, Water Conservation Loans, and other information.

Green Roofs

Green Lots of information and links for vegetated roofs.

Rain Barrels

American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association: Business Member List for rain barrel and equipment suppliers.

The Center for Rainwater Harvesting: A great source for tank and equipment sizing and design.

Energy & Atmosphere

The following tip sheets and histories are interesting bit of research:

Materials & Resources

HabitatforHumanity Restore: Good local source for reused building materials and fixtures, and for donating good materials as well.

Pharos Project: Constantly improving evaluation tool for building materials (subscription).

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center: A great source for residential design and construction.

American Plywood Association: good information for wood products and their efficient use

University of Houston Materials Research Collaborative: This is a very useful site for learning about new building materials and their application to green building.

Indoor Environmental Quality

Disinfectant Overkill (courtesy of Healthy Child, Healthy World): A basic primer of household chemicals that kill germs that are also dangerous to us.

Healthy Building Network: Outstanding source of indoor air quality issues and building materials that contribute towards IAQ.


City of Houston Recycling: How to recycle at home in Houston.

Houston-Galveston Area Council Recycling Guide: Award winning publication about recycling in the region.

Techs and Trainers: A local entity that refurbishes or recycles computer equipment.

Earth 911: A great source for recycling facilities no matter where you are.

Guide to Eco-Friendly Shipping: how businesses can implement more eco-friendly packing and shipping protocols.

Renewable Energy

Let's Go Solar: Very deep and helpful site for solar panel systems.

Consumer/Affairs Solar Energy Guide: Good information regarding solar panel systems and providers.

Houston Renewable Energy Group (HREG): Good local information regarding solar panel systems and providers.

Solar Energy Industries Association: US national trade association champions for solar energy.

How Wind Turbines Work: an informative look at wind turbines.

Geothermal Energy: an informative website for ground source heat pump technology.

Green Living

The Ultimate Guide to Cheap Green Living: Very Helpful information what you can do and how it helps YOU

Inhabitat: A great site for creative Green design in Architecture, Interiors, Products, Technology, Energy, Transportation, Fashion, Art & Kids!

Carbon Footprint: Helpful information regarding CO2 reductions and a carbon footprint calculator

The Daily Green: Helpful information and good contributors.

Treehugger: A great all-around source for thought provoking and current information about Green living.

Mother Earth News: Another great all-around source about Green living.

Purdue University Global: put together 45 Sustainability Resources You Need to Know