Plants extend the life of the roof itself by protecting the roof materials from damage caused by heat and sunlight
Additional layers, such as a root barrier or drainage and irrigation systems may also be included.
Green roofing systems provides shade and shelter along with other benefits that include:
- Reduction in dust and smog levels
- Reduction of stormwater run off by 50% - 90% with absorption into the soil and by the plants
- An additional thermal resistance; keeping energy cost down during the hot summer months
- Doubling the life span of the roofing membrane
- Additional usable space, which can increase your property value
There are many green roof systems available. Extensive green roof systems are shallow, containing typically 4”-12” of soil. Intensive green roofs have deeper soil systems, allowing for a wider variety of plants. Green roofs can be planted in modular containers or in a blanket of planting medium across the roof area. They can be as maintenance free as you choose, depending on the plants selected. Always use plants that are native or adapted to the Houston area, never invasive species.
The GBRC has an educational green roof exhibit on display, and a real live green roof visible from the 2nd floor space.