Green is Mainstream

The speakers will cover the best practices in Green residential building and energy efficiency technologies. Primarily intended for building officials, builders, suppliers, subcontractors, architects/engineers/residential designers, building trades’ instructors, students, apprentices, bankers, real-estate agents, and the general public. Each participant receives a course book containing more than 200 course slides and related green building information. (The downloadable presentation does not include the comments of the speakers).

Solar Panels in Houston

Solar panels are a hot topic in Houston. Here are some frequently asked questions: Why are they so expensive, and how many do I need to take my house off the grid? Are there any rebates and tax incentives? What type of new technologies are in the pipeline? Do I need a permit?

RENT: Green Style in Houston

Some people living in apartments or duplexes might think they are left out of the green building and energy conservation world because they rent instead of own. Steve Stelzer will give introductory remarks about the Houston Multi-Family Habitability Code that brings below-par facilities up to code (and in the direction of Green). Guest speakers will discuss their approaches to:

Rainwater Harvesting in Houston

Rainwater harvesting is not common practice, but many people are becoming interested in learning more about it. This education session will cover both commercial and residential scale projects. Focusing on irrigation techniques and what works and what doesn't for rainwater storage, pumps, and hookups and an overview of code requirements. We'll also have a quick look at residential stormwater retention requirements that can be solved with rain barrels.