Over the years the GBRC has held education seminars and has participated in some presentations at other locations in Houston. And as of 2020, we have held webinars online as a result of Covid-19. Many of the sessions were recorded, and are available to watch from our archives. And the archives all have the visual presentations available for viewing. Our largest attendance was our Earth Day presentation in 2015 regarding Tiny Houses with 250 in the audience.
Pre-fabricated housing is beginning to become mainstream again. Mobile homes have been an industry for a while now, but shipping pre-assembled parts of a conventional house to be configured onsite is catching up. Cost has always been a concern, but the quality advantage is becoming a sales tool now that conventional housing is facing challenges on all fronts. Box Prefab is a Houston-based entity with founders from the design professions who wanted to more tightly hold the quality of the finished product rather than hand that off to a conventional builder.
Lighting with all its positive benefits can be installed just plain wrong. It should have a clear purpose, directed where it is needed, no brighter than necessary, used only when it is useful, and we should use warmer colors where possible. You’ve heard about dark skies and light pollution, but did you know about the danger of excessive glare? Lighting consumes energy and costs money and is regulated by the energy code. Nobody wants too much light shining in their bedroom at night.
Net Zero Energy (NZE) has developed from a fringe movement to approaching mainstream. Here’s a definition: "A Zero Carbon Building is a highly energy-efficient building that produces on-site, or procures, carbon-free renewable energy or high-quality carbon offsets in an amount sufficient to offset the annual carbon emissions associated with building materials and operations." Washington, DC actually incorporated Appendix Z to their Energy Code to delineate requirements for achieving an NZE classification for a DC building.
In addition to this document, you can also view this video from Energy.gov more information:
"By taking a “street-wise” common-sense approach to high performance design strategies and comparing them to the expensive and maintenance intensive "green gizmos" approach being promoted by most, Architect Peter Pfeiffer will present to and help the participant critically determine what works - what is effective and long lasting - and what may simply be 'hype' of the latest 'fad' product or method."
This is a webinar on Startmeeting.com, with 1 CEU available.
Now closer to Thanksgiving – walk through a construction progress Net-Zero mash up with SIP (short for Structural Insulated Panel) and combined with Fortified and Indoor Air Plus, and the living space is elevated to the second floor. Sounds resilient, doesn't it?
Learn how the Houston Zoo has moved ahead and what’s in store for green behavior change.
Link for attendance information: (see attachment)