Green Gifts

Want to give gifts that your friends and family will love while still caring about the environment?  Giving green gifts is about choosing sustainable products and going beyond that.  There are lots of ways to give gifts that can help your friends be more environmentally conscious or that don’t require buying any items at all. 


Drawdown: The Top Four

What if we told you — Be optimistic about solving Climate Change: Drawdown, edited by visionary Paul Hawken, is the 100 Most substantive solutions to reverse global warming based on meticulous research by leading scientists & policy makers around the world.

Houston Climate Reality: 2017

Is anything less convenient, other than massive flooding? John Nielsen-Gammon, the State Climatologist of Texas, will update us for the first hour on the climate data in the past ten years and how that is impacting Houston. Additionally, three speakers will present current slides from the Climate Reality Project, an organization dedicated to catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis.

Global Climate Reality Seminar: 02/22/2017